6 on 6 Volleyball Tournament Team ( 7 players)
This ticket is for an entire 6v6 team in the Slam Jam volleyball Tournament. This ticket provides access to up to 7 individuals ( six players + One sub). Each member of the team will receive the following: Participation in at least 3 games ( two pool play and one tournament) VIP access to all slam jam activities and two prize raffle tickets
This ticket is for an entire 6v6 team in the Slam Jam volleyball Tournament. This ticket provides access to up to 7 individuals ( six players + One sub). Each member of the team will receive the following: Participation in at least 3 games ( two pool play and one tournament) VIP access to all slam jam activities and two prize raffle tickets
This ticket is for an entire 6v6 team in the Slam Jam volleyball Tournament. This ticket provides access to up to 7 individuals ( six players + One sub). Each member of the team will receive the following: Participation in at least 3 games ( two pool play and one tournament) VIP access to all slam jam activities and two prize raffle tickets