Frequently asked questions.

I am playing in the tournaments, but want to do other activities too. Do I need to buy an All-Access ticket?

Nope! Your Tournament Ticket will operate as an All-Access ticket!

Can Anyone win Prizes?

Yes, anyone with a raffle ticket can win prizes. You don't need to be in the tournament to win.

Is SlamJam just basketball?

SlamJam has so many activities you could stay the entire day and not watch a second of basketball. From Karaoke and Board games to Bowling and Dodgeball there's something for everyone. Check out the Slam Jam page for more details.  Additionally, there are tons of prizes to raffle off!  Don't miss a chance to win an incredible prize!

Can I bring kids?

Yes! SlamJam entrance is free for kids under 10! Additionally, we will have kid-friendly movies and activities. Keep in mind there won't be childcare so all children must have their guardian accompany them at SlamJam

I bought some raffle tickets online. What happens now?

If you buy a raffle online, we'll make sure to hand you all your tickets  when  you check-in. If you won’t be in attendance, we'll capture your info and add your raffles to the raffle baskets. If you win we'll arrange a time for you to meet us at the church to pick up your prize